“I'm so glad I made the decision to join this program!”
The freedom I feel around food now is incredible, the relationship I have with myself is calmer, and I'm showing my kids what it looks like to live a balanced lifestyle. These things are priceless in my daily life and in the long term. Thank you, Victoria. -Andrea S.
“This has truly been an awesome investment for me!”
I went into this burnt out from doing 30-day diets, strict macro counting, and intermittent fasting. But the principles I’m learning and the trust that I’m building with myself are huge and sure to last a lifetime. I’m changing the narrative for myself and my future family. I can’t help but think that future 80-year-old me is really going to thank present-day me for doing this! -Emily B.
"I am at such a better place with my relationship with food & myself.
I used to feel out of control if sweets were in the house… now a pan of brownies can sit on my counter and it’s no big deal. I’m in control. Food is no longer in control of me." -Kim M.
"I say no to foods I felt I could never say no to before...
Not because I feel like I should or because I'm worried about eating certain foods - but because I can now say no when my body doesn't really want something in that moment" -Ema K.