Join me January 8th-11th for my annual FREE 4 day live online bootcamp as we plan out making 2024 your healthiest year!


Note: Here we're about NO dieting! NO restricting your favorite foods! You can keep the wine & the chocolate! Over these 4 days, you'll learn my proven process to help you reach your health goals in a way you love & can actually stick with all year long!


Every year it's the same...

You set goals at the beginning of the year. But then, a few weeks (or months if you're lucky) later), you're back to your old ways. 

Looking back, nothings actually changed. You're still overeating, feeling out of control around food, gaining weight, unmotivated to exercise.


Coming to Healthy You 2024 will change this for you!

Over the course of four days, you'll learn...

  • How to take action towards your health goals this year in a way that's sustainable and you actually enjoy... WITHOUT dieting
  • Why every diet or program you've tried hasn't worked… and what to do instead
  • The tools and mindset to become someone who is consistent, motivated, and self-accountable
  • Best of all… you'll actually believe “this is the year I'll become my healthiest self” and start to see it become your reality

What you get...

  • 4 days of live teaching from me walking you through my process on sustainable goal setting & healthy habit creation
  • My personal help & support all week long on all the obstacles that may come up for you as you work towards your goals so you come away feeling crystal clear about how to reach your goals
  • PDF workbook to help you put what you learn into practice each day
  • Private Facebook community with other bootcamp attendees  AND a chance to win some amazing prizes!
  • And at the end of the week you'll get a special offer (just for bootcamp participants) to work with me if you'd like to continue to get my help!

Meet Victoria...

Registered Nurse, Certified health coach & certified intuitive eating counselor.

I’ve been where you are… I spent years trying all different diets thinking THAT was the way to be healthy. Until I was so tired of feeling like food and dieting controlled me and I thought, "there's got to be a better way".

That's when I learned about intuitive eating & taking a non-diet approach. And it changed everything for me! Now, I have an amazing relationship with food that I would describe as completely calm & trusting. And I ENJOY taking care of my body without it feeling like a chore or like I can't also enjoy my life. 

And now, I've been helping women just like you for almost a decade get to this place, too.

I'm so glad you're here! And can't wait to meet you.


Ready for 2024 to be the year you *actually* reach your health goals?